The official transportation data lake for the Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA Metropolitan Region

Highway Stations
View the speed, volume (VPLPH), average volume, occupancy, VMT, VHT, travel time, and delay at highway stations.
PORTAL (Portland, Oregon Regional Transportation
Archive Listing) is a data lake for the collection,
archiving, and sharing of data and information for
regional public agencies.
Project objectives include developing tools and
performance measures for transportation
professionals, exploring new and innovative
applications of the data, and reducing barriers to
accessing multijurisdictional transportation data
by making it publicly available.
Many of the data feeds that are received by PORTAL
are in real time or on a daily basis, and for most, the
retrieval and archiving process is fully automated.

For any inquiries, questions or recommendations,
please email askportal [at] pdx [dot] edu or fill out the
contact form.
TREC Office
1900 SW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97201
Tel: (503) 725-8545